FIDE endorses Leap KK 9909 clock

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FIDE is pleased to announce the official endorsement of the Leap KK 9909 Clock, now available at LEAP. This endorsement, under decision CM2-2024/17, represents another step towards assisting vendors in producing affordable chess equipment.

The Leap KK 9909 Clock underwent rigorous testing and evaluation by IA Arasu Balasubramaniyan and IA Hendrik du Toit from the Technical Commission’s Critical Tec Department, headed by IA Mario Held. The clock meets all the criteria for FIDE Compliant Electronic Chess Equipment, details of which can be found in the FIDE Handbook.

The FIDE Technical Commission remains committed to fostering innovation in the chess community by employing advanced technology.

For any inquiries or further information, please contact Hendrik du Toit at